It gives me great pleasure to reach you through this Prospectus. The year 2011 has been another remarkable year of outstanding achievements and fulfillment for GICTS Group of Institutions. We have passed several notable milestones and have consistently improved on many fronts that have a bearing on achieving academic excellence. To embark on a journey of success one needs the tools of preparedness, foresight and strategy. Gearing up for the future, we have the key factors necessary to withstand the winds of change. The success and eminence of GICTS which began as the dream of one man has extended to be transformed into the dreams of many.Today, the GICTS Group of Institutions has grown into the largest group of Educational Institutions in Central India. Indeed a remarkable improvement in our status. In regard to placement of students we are the best in the region. We strive to accomplish our dreams and goals to bring greater effulgence in the future.On this New Session let us resolve to work together with greater enthusiasm and unity to build a better world.
May this academic year and all the years to come, bring you more happiness, peace and prosperity.